Tainted - Anyone But Him

Album Cover


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Audience Feedback

We held a screening for our video and then showed the audience our album cover and website. I made a facebook group for the screening and we also prepared a questionnaire.

Click here for the event page on facebook.

Here are the questions that are in our questionnaire:

- What genre of music do you listen to/Who are your favourite artists?
- Do you think it looks like a real music video?
- Do you think that it looks professional? If so, what do you think makes it look professional?
- Do you find the video entertaining? If so, what in particular do you like?
- Does the video appeal to you? What in particular does/doesn’t appeal to you?
- Can you compare the video to any real videos you know?
- What can you tell us about the group? Can you explain the story behind the video? What do you think is the relationship between the two artists?
- What genre do you think the song is?What music channel(s) would you expect to see the video on?
- What kind of venues would it be likely for the group to play? What TV shows would you expect to see them on?
- Do you find the artists appealing? If so, what about them is appealing?
- Would you want to watch the video more than once?
- Would you pay to/illegally download the song/video? Why?
- What’s your favourite part of the video? .
- Do you have any criticisms? (Be honest!)
- Do you like the album cover and MySpace?
- Do you think they tie in with/match the video?

We got a lot of useful feedback which we will discuss in our evaluation.


- Mel, for the group -