Tainted - Anyone But Him

Album Cover


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Audience Feedback

This is a summary of the feedback that we got when we screened our music video.

15 - (2)
16 - (5)
17 - (6)
18 - (9)

Real music video?
Yes - (18) “clear cut and lip-synching perfect. Their background is great.”
“shiny white background, good quality picture.”
“like the bits in the studio and on the roof”

No – (1)

Yes – (19) “studio and flashbacks”
“close-ups and black and white shots”
“Lip-synch and the edit”
“the background – the white studio”
“The black and white”
“the actors”
“the camerawork”
“cuts to the music”
“the performance and style”
“good lighting”

No – (0)

Yes – (18) “good to watch, good effects, and actors”
“conflicting element between 2 singers”
“good watching relationship between 2 artists”
“really good performance”
“at first you try to figure out what’s going on”
“liked the black and white”
“liked the setting”
“liked two sides to the story”
“loved his anguish”

No – (4) “a bit boring and samey all the way through”

Does it appeal to you? – target audience
Yes – (12) “love the city shots. Think it could be more choppy to the beat.”
“the black and white”
“the flashback and the storyline.”
“I like the song and I think the performance makes it more appealing – you feel for the main character.”
“I like the different characters and where it switches between them”
“interesting narrative”

Kind of – (3) “don’t like the shots of just singer. Bit boring”
“the first part of the video is really interesting, but then nothing really happens.”

No – (4) “a bit boring”
“a little bland. Not enough action and movement.”
“don’t like the song very much.”

Comparison to real videos:
“Grime videos”
“The Streets”
“Neyo, Kanye West, Keri Hilson.”
“Big Ego – Kanye West”
“any other R&B video”
“Keri Hilson – Knock You Down”
“boys will be boys video”

What can you tell us about the group?
“rivalry between the two artists”
“singer and a rapper”
“male artists, two guys”
“they’re a duet”
“singer and rapper collaborating”
“singer and rapper. RnB/Hip Hop/Electro"
“2 different elements – pop and rap. Unique differences.”
“looks like one artist featuring another.”

Story behind the video?
“they used to be friends. The rapper guy stole the first guy’s girlfriend.”
“boy loses girl, lamenting his loss, love rivals.”
“the two boys want the same girl.”
“fighting over a girl.”
“the girl picked one guy over the other.”
“they’re in competition for a girl.”
“she deserted him for the other guy.”
“used to be mates. Fell out over a girl.”
“guy thinking about girl.”
“they were friends and one stole the other ones girlfriend.”
“they’re enemies – dated the same girl.”
“they used to be friends but are fighting over the same girl.”
“relationship issues. The girl left 1 of the artists for the other”
“boys girlfriend leaves him for the other guy”
“friends, one of them betrays the other by going out with his girlfriend”
“Dan used to be friends with the other boy and they fell out over the girl.”

Pop – (3)
Soft grime – (2)
Mainstream RnB – (5)
Indie/rap – (2)
RnB, Hip Hop, rap – (3)
RnB and pop (ish) – (2)
Hip hop/soft electro – (1)

Music Channel?
Mainstream eg. MTV Base, The Hits, 4Music, Smashits, Viva

Gig Venues/TV shows?
Festivals, gigs eg. Glastonbury
Camden – Roundhouse
The 02
Small venues – clubs, underground scene.
4Music/Brixton Academy then 02 eventually
Panjea (Hip Hop club in Stoke Newington)
Brixton Academy
Hollyoaks music show
BBC Switch

Appeal of artists:
“They are emotional – its good.”
“Young and ‘cool.’ Appeal to teenage guys.”
“Yes – good looking”
“good emotion – very convincing”
“The black guy is likeable – smug and cocky. The main guy is so cute, I feel sorry for him!”
“the physical difference between them”
“you feel sorry for the guy singing who’s lost his love.”

Watch the video again?
Yes – (14)
Maybe – (1)
No – (5) “gets a bit repetitive”

Yes – (11) “it’s enjoyable.”  “catchy”
No – (5) (don’t like this genre of music)

Favourite part of the video?
“the guy leaning against a brick wall and you can see all the buildings to the side.”
“where the second guy comes in”
“the end where it switches between the artists”
“the rap” - (2)
“where the rap comes in – good editing”
“the black and white shots. Editing with two artists side by side.”
“flashbacks” – (2)
“the scene outside in front of the brick building”
“the ending with the vocals being interrupted by the rapper”
“the opening was great”
“storytelling parts”

“a little less black and white”
“I don’t like the song”
“shots up against the wall look a bit over the top/cheesey”
“on the flashbacks – the white circle around the edges did not look as professional as it could.”
“some parts where the original guy gets repeated too many times, there needs to be a bit more going on.”
“scenes with the girl and the two guys are a bit poor.”
“maybe more should happen”
“not enough shots of the girl”
“could be more choppy and more camera movement”
“some shots the lip synch is out slightly”
“could be a bit more varied and dramatic”

Album cover and MySpace:
Do you like it, does it tie in with the video – yes (22)
“they could be a bit more colourful and exciting”
“think the back cover looks a bit empty, and the front cover as well. Perhaps more colour for contrast.”
“black & white theme and the opposites,”
“black/white/grey theme & contrast between the 2 singers”
“I like the Myspace, not so much the cover”
“MySpace could be a bit more interesting”
“I like it but not as good. But the video was v. good!”
“cool effects and it looks stylish”
“running colour schemes”
“album looks good and MySpace has a nice layout”
“they follow the same theme and capture the mood of the video”

-Tanya, for the group-