Tainted - Anyone But Him

Album Cover


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Artist Name

I think D-Fine could work but might be too centred around one artist/sound too much like one artist?
I was looking at where band names come from and a lot of them seem to come from quotes, lyrics from songs and sayings, so I thought I would think about names from thses sort of things.
I searched song lyrics of people that I thought would inspire our artists, such as Motown legends, newer R&B artists and artists such as Kanye West. This didn't lead to much so I thought about quotes, and came up with a few:
- Dream Weavers/Builders/Creaters/Definers >>> (Kanye West quote, ‘I can let these dream killers kill my self esteem-or use my arrogance as steam to power my dreams’)
- Death is Expected (Kanye West quote ‘Nothing in life is promised except death’) but this spells 'die', not quite what we're going for!
In the list of band names it said that '311' was named after police code in Nebraska, so I looked at police codes and got 10-2 (meaning you're being received clearly)
I thought about them in society, ‘The banished’, ‘The Spurned’, ‘The Deserted’, ‘The Condemned’, ‘The Zeroes’, ‘Zero’ >>> from ‘rejects'. And ‘Full of Fail’, ‘FailProof’ >>> from the idea of them being 'failures'. And ‘Recreating Reality’, ‘Reality Rebirth’ >>> from the idea of them building new ground.
Then I thought about common sayings and came up with ‘Live Hard, Die Hard’, ‘Live Hard’, Living Hard’ >>> from 'Live Hard, Die Hard'. And ‘Beats, Soul and Teamwork’, ‘Beats And Soul’/'Beat And Soul'/'Beats & Soul' (etc >>> (from ‘Blood, Sweat & Tears’).
Personally, I think most of these are really bad but I quite like 'Beats And Soul', because it represents what each of the artists bring to the group. But I feel like it might need some work to sound more like a group name.

- Mel -