Tainted - Anyone But Him

Album Cover


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Possible New Ideas:

CONFLICT between both artists could be shown visually. Miss had the idea of putting in a violent moment maybe at the end or we could show clips throughout. This could be like a uncomplicated and small choreographed fight, eg. both fall back against a wall. This could be done in slow-mo then have a choppy moment where we have quick shots of things like feet, eyes etc..
Or at the end we could just end with Bernard invading Daniel’s space in this plain white room, we could have a face off and then they resolve their problems, or they could face off and then Daniel leaves, deciding that he can’t forgive him and won’t stoop to his level and fight. I thought we could introduce Bernard into the room by having a foot shot of Daniel and then some more feet enter the shot (which would be Bernard’s) and then we cut to a medium shot as we can’t really have a long shot due to quite a bit of height difference between the boys.

SHOT TYPES: lots of jump cuts, eg. a wide high angle shots of Daniel appearing all alone and deserted in this bare white room, then cut to close-ups to really show his emotion.

CONCEPT or NARRATIVE? – we have to make a decision about whether we want to include some narrative or base it on concept as we need some progression in the video.

CONCEPT – making a statement about society and human relationships, eg. rich and poor (shown through location, costume etc.)

NARRATIVE IDEAS: The boys as young kids when they were best friends.
A girl – lots of close-ups and beauty shots of her looking all nice, feminine and floaty - in a nice dress. Also lots of close-up shots of things like her hair, head, hands, feet etc. Then there could also be shots of her with the boys, acting all flirty, maybe dancing around them, the boy singing to her. Possibly shots of her kissing both guys to really get the story across to the audience.
Daniel looking at a photo of him with his ex-girlfriend and best friend, showing all three of them together and happy, whilst the main artist (Daniel) was going out with the girl. This could be done in his bedroom or we could just do it in the white room when he's sitting on the floor.
Flashbacks – use dissolves

TECHNICAL: Structured and controlled camera work for most of it to achieve that high gloss, professional feel, but this can at the same time be contrasted to slightly hand-held camera movement to emphasise emotional moments.
Focus settings on camera lenses can be adjusted for close-up shots such as of the feet, where if you concentrate on something like the shoe laces and the rest stays out of focus. Also you can put the artist in the foreground in focus, with the background out of focus.

- Tanya -